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Student-at-Law Interview


Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg

One question that trumped me was: if you were a prime minister for a day, what one law would you change and why?

Interview Answers

6 Answers


The Constitution. Whatever you write in there, all other laws and regulations will have to be adjusted and you do not have to worry about it. It is hard for the Prime Minister to change it, but if you can - it is the best choice.

Sergey on


A law that forbid hiring employee in related bonds. Reasons^ 1. More healthy competetion 2. More chances to get a nice job by people who haven't nice relations

Jackson on


For election day - only tax payers could vote. As citizens who pay taxes generally responsible for their decisions.

Anonymous on


Cancel the deduction of Income tax on earnings. Increase the retail tax for businesses. The more money people have the more they will spend and this in turn will increase the economy, create more jobs

Audrie on


I would reinstate the death penalty for traitors (repelled, in Canada, very discreetly by traitorous politicians. Less than 25 years ago...) and then start cleaning up the place (again, Canada.)

YouWish on


I would reinstate Capital Punishment for rapists, anyone that harms or murders a child, anyone who murders a First Responder in the line of duty (Police, Firemen, EMT's), and threats to national security. If you can't do the time, don't commit the crime.

Anonymous on

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